Ian Lozada: Images and Words

Wedding Photography for Lexington, KY and the New York Metro area.

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March 14, 2007

On the road again...

Posted by IanLozada

I do miss my wife and my darling little girl. Thank heaven for iChat video conferencing.

There's a funny thing about working out of a home office: Sometimes you actually have to abandon the office to get anything done. I'm out in Lexington, Kentucky for tomorrow's meeting of the Kentucky Bride Association, an wedding vendors group serving the Bluegrass region. I flew in this afternoon, settled in to my hotel room, with the full intention of eventually going downtown to scout out locations for future engagement shoots.

Instead, I ended up opening my MacBook and finally bringing my new website live, which meant new photos, music, and a new logo. Unfortunately, I need to work some bugs out, so I need to talk to the authors of the web template I'm using, but I think it'll be a good look. I also got a chance to play with the trial version of Adobe Lightroom, which is an awesome workflow/editing program. I have no doubt I'll be ditching Apple Aperture shortly.

I'm really tired. I did a second shooter gig for one of New York/New Jersey's wedding photography firms, and had to rush my edits back sooner than they normally require just so I could come out here without it hanging over my head. That meant 4 hours of sleep Saturday night, 2 hours Sunday night, and then with packing for this trip, 3 hours last night so I could hop the AirTrain out to Kennedy Airport. But I feel energized again being out here, and I'm looking forward to meeting people in the industry tomorrow night.

Anyway, let me know what you think of the new site!


Unknown said...

hello tokayo, youve been to cebu, i hope next time you plan to visit the philippines let me know. its been a while since we've emailed. just in case my email address is ianlozada168@gmail.com well its election time again, our kamaganak is running for congress here in valenzuela. id keep you updated. hope to hear from you soon.keep in touch!