Ian Lozada: Images and Words

Wedding Photography for Lexington, KY and the New York Metro area.

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April 10, 2007

Bring Good News Minute #2

Posted by IanLozada

Here's the video for the second of our trips, the one to Bohol I described in the last post.

Tomorrow, we're doing a clinic here in Cebu City, and then we're in Leyte for the following day, coming back late at night.

Today was largely a day off, with some sightseeing, and travel back to Cebu. We also shipped the medicine for the final leg off to the team of doctors who will meet us for that clinic, which is on the main island of Luzon. Since we'll be leaving the central islands, we'll switch to a team from my Dad's childhood church, the Cruzada Church of Christ in Manila. They'll meet us for a clinic in an area devastated last December by a typhoon and the eruption of the Mayon volcano.