Ian Lozada: Images and Words

Wedding Photography for Lexington, KY and the New York Metro area.

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June 24, 2007

Engagement Session: Gwen and Jeremy

Posted by IanLozada

Got to spend time with one of my favorite couples today. Often, my clients become my friends over time, but this is one of two weddings I'm doing this summer that are friends who became clients. (The other set has their E-session next weekend.) Jeremy and I used to play together on our church's worship team back when I had more time for my bass, and Gwen takes care of our little Caroline in the nursery at Crossroads Christian Church in Brooklyn. They're perfect for each other, and it really shows on camera.

I met Gwen and Jeremy up at the Cloisters, a great old church/castle up in Fort Tyron Park up at the northern tip of Manhattan. Today, the Cloisters houses the Metropolitan Museum of Art's medieval collection. We shot there for 90 minutes, then went down to Little Italy for some more photos and dinner at a sidewalk cafe. It was an absolute blast, and I can't wait for their big day!

Here are a few of my favorites: