Ian Lozada: Images and Words

Wedding Photography for Lexington, KY and the New York Metro area.

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December 1, 2007

OK, folks, I really need your opinion this time...

Posted by IanLozada

When Kristina and I were expecting our little Caroline Grace, the name was a state secret. Even though we knew she was a girl, the potential boy's name (since discarded) was closely held.

I don't have that luxury this time. We definitely have a 1st choice girls name. No problems there. But we have very different ideas about boys' names, and she's told me in no uncertain terms, that she needs to know that my first choice name for a boy is not too outlandish for words. Even if it's going to be one of a pair of twin boys.

As you can tell, I don't have the most common name in the world. I like it that way. I know that when someone calls out, "Hey Ian!", they're talking to me. I want that for a potential son. I also like Irish and Scottish names. No matter what we pick, you can be assured that all of the names we are discussing come from either Ireland or Great Britain.

While we are not Catholic, my first choice name is a saint's name, and it means "full of goodness", although there is also an alternate meaning out there of "man of prayer." I like both qualities.

Depending on whether or not the other twin is a boy or a girl, we have two major options on the middle name to go with it:

Declan Samuel (other twin is a girl)
Declan Spencer (other twin is a boy)

Please share your thoughts in the comments. Kristina and I both really would like to know what you think.


Bison1997 said...

I do like Declan as a first name - like Ian, it's pretty unique. But why the different middle names?

I prefer Spencer, BTW.

Ryan Stockton said...

I like Declan Samuel. I don't know whose side I just supported, but I like that one. Good luck in the decision making!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ian, Tell Krissy that Jen Smith likes the name Declan!!!! But I love a different name being that I am Jennifer Ann Smith, pretty BORING!! Would love to know the other name:)