Ian Lozada: Images and Words

Wedding Photography for Lexington, KY and the New York Metro area.

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January 9, 2008

No, really... this is January?!?

Posted by IanLozada

In ancient Rome, they used to have a calendar of 355 days in a year, and if the High Pontiff of their state religion didn't add an extra month of 20 days every two years, eventually, the calendar would get out of whack and you'd have the seasons get matched up to the wrong months.

On a day as beautiful as it is today in Lexington, I think we've gone back to that system.

I went down to Keeneland today. One of my recent brides, Heather, is down at the sales, and I wanted to give her the new copy of Jacki Allen's Premier Bride Lexington, because one of the stories in the magazine (pages 192-193) features Heather's wedding. Heather loved the story, and her friends were oohing and aahing over the pictures! Her folks also mentioned that the Christmas cards I designed and the custom gift albums I did for her flower girls' Christmas gifts were a big hit.

After we finished over there, I went down to the sales pavilion to see some of her horses being auctioned off. I tell you, I'm listening to the auctioneer's rat-a-tat-tat delivery, and I'm thinking, "I wonder if he gets enough oxygen in between words to not get light-headed?"

Anyway, it was great to see Heather and her family again. Like I always say, my brides and their families become my friends as we go through this process.