Ian Lozada: Images and Words

Wedding Photography for Lexington, KY and the New York Metro area.

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June 26, 2007

Photographer toys, Episode 37419...

Posted by IanLozada

The less photographed females of the Lozada family...

Once upon a time, my future wife was a drama major in college. Like every other would be actress, she went and paid to have some headshots done. Now, Kristina's a bit of a blinker. And clearly this guy wasn't a very good photographer, because out of 100 frames he took, only 6 of them didn't feature her eyes shut. And those 6 were half-blinks.

Needless to say, she's had a mistrust of studio flashes ever since. So it wasn't without some trepidation that she sat down in front of my new octabox last week. Let's put it this way-- she wanted the dog to be part of the session, too, just so it wouldn't be all on her.

Well, she's finally got her headshot.

My, I'm a lucky man.